Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spicy Sauce with Raw Zucchini Noodle Dish

1 Large Beefsteak Tomato that is really ripe
1/4 of a large cucumber
1/2 avocado
1/4 cup water
Seasonings: Cayenne, Red pepper flakes, salt free seasoning, sea salt, pepper, basil, and Italian seasonings. (Season to your liking.)
Blend it all up in a blender. 

Serve over the top of Zucchini Noodles that you make with a spiralizer. If you don't have a spiralizer, you can just peel your zucchini's around and around into lengthwise long noodles. This Sauce tasted really good over the noodles. I added 2 tsp's of cold pressed olive oil, too, and a little nutritional yeast to the top of the zucchini noodles. I then added some ground up raw almonds to the mix, too. Tasted really good.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Today's Example of my Meals and Current Weight Loss

Today is Saturday, so it was more relaxing for me. I did some housework, went for a little walk and did some studying of things I am learning on this raw food lifestyle and some other readings. Currently I have lost 25 pounds since Dec. 3rd, 2013 with this Raw Food Eating of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds and Cold Pressed Oils like Olive and Sesame Oils. I am very happy with this way of life. I feel good and do have way more energy than in times past.

Here is an example of today's food:

Banana and Orange Smoothie

Coleslaw of Cabbage, Carrots, Sunflower seeds  - Use a Dressing of your choice (I mixed my coleslaw with some apple cider vinegar, soy sauce (not raw) and olive oil and a little coconut sugar - Kind of silly and weird tasting, so I would say to put a better dressing on it than this one. I still eat my foods even if they are a bit weird tasting as I know there are good ingredients in the dishes I make. Plus I am experimenting, too, and understand everything won't be perfect.)

Cauliflower cut in small pieces with some sea salt, olive oil and nutritional yeast (Nutritional Yeast is not a raw product, but the B12 in it is good for a person on a raw food diet.)

Zucchini noodles with some sea salt, olive oil and some nutritional yeast (Just peel the zucchini with a peeler to get fettucini type noodles)

Big Dinner Salad: Romaine Lettuce, Roma Tomato, 2 big carrots grated, 1 avocado, Sunflower seeds and some homemade veggie dressing

Frozen bananas with some coconut sugar

It is evening now and I am certainly not hungry at all. I have to say that this lifestyle is really amazing in that you can really eat a lot of food and still lose weight. :-)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Today's Raw Food Salad Meal for Dinner

Raw Food Salad Meal by Connie Webb
Made this salad this afternoon for dinner. It is nice to know it will be all ready made when I am ready for dinner. Here are the ingredients:
2 Medium Zucchini's Grated
2 Large Carrots Grated
1/2 chopped red pepper
3 celery stalks chopped
1 Cucumber chopped
A couple handfuls of Baby Spinach chopped
Just mix this all up together. Sprinkle some lemon on it. Then when you are ready to have it for dinner, just add your favorite dressing, maybe some avocado and some tomatoes, too. It is nice to try and prepare things ahead of time so it will be all ready for when you want to eat.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

No Oil Salad Dressing - Raw Food Vegan Delicious


1 Big Cucumber
2 Large Stalks of Celery
1 Large Red Bell Pepper (just take off the green part, you can add the seeds and all which I was surprised to learn about)
Green Onions: Just make some chives about a 1/4 of a cup of them - (the green part of the green onions, not the white part)
1 clove of garlic
Big Squeeze of lemon
1 Tablespoon of Date Sugar
Water: Approx. 1/2 or 1/4 cup water - more or less, just try it out on how much you need in your blender

Directions: Chop up the cucumber, celery, bell pepper, onions and garlic and add to the blender. Then add the lemon juice, date sugar and the spices of Italian Seasonings, Basil, Sea Salt and Ground Pepper (to your liking) or other spices you prefer. Then add some of the water. Add small amount at first and then more if you need it. Blend it all up and put in a jar with a lid. Can probably keep at least a few days. You can add a bit more of this dressing than regular dressing as it is very low calorie and delicious! :-)