Saturday, June 7, 2014

Frozen Chocolate Banana Treat

Frozen Chocolate Banana Treat

Stir together until smooth:
1 heaping tsp of Cacao raw powder
1 tsp coconut nectar
1 tsp water
2 T coconut sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla (I used a no alcohol version)
Sprinkle of cinnamon

After the above mixture is nice and smooth prepare:
1 Frozen Banana Sliced
3 T Ground Almonds
Then dip a banana slice in the chocolate mixture and then in the ground almonds. Serve on a pretty tray and enjoy right away before the frozen banana melts. Delicious and good for you treat. :-)

Link to benefits of Raw Cacao:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cacao bliss danette may is also high in sulfur, which helps form strong nail and hair and clear skin.
